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Lk 7:11-17 After raising a young man from the dead, "Jesus gave him to his mother. FEAR SEIZED THEM ALL, and they glorified GOD, exclaiming, “A great prophet has arisen in our midst,” and “GOD has visited his people.”

The Catholic church teaches us that FEAR IS A GIFT. FEAR of the LORD is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

FEAR of the LORD ” means awe or profound respect. It does not mean literal fear of God’s power but an awe and respect for the absolute majesty of God. We should “FEAR ” offending GOD not because of HIS just punishment but because HE is all good and deserving of our love. (

If we were to see a man Rise From the Dead, we would experience a degree of FEAR. However, the scripture continues, "and they glorified GOD." They did not run away. They did not hide. They DID glorify GOD. They DID recognize the power of GOD and they were in awe.

Are we in Awe of GOD? Do we FEAR offending HIM? Do we dread the Loss of Heaven?

Today, let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us to desire the Gift of FEAR of the LORD. HE is GOD, i am not.

St. Robert Bellarmine, pray for us.


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