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Jn 1:45–51 "And He said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the ANGELS of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Rv 21:9b–14 The ANGEL spoke to me, saying, “Come here."

Throughout scripture we learn about God's ANGELS. In our personal prayers and at mass we learn about God's ANGELS. In sacred tradition we learn about God's ANGELS.

Do we include God's ANGELS in our meditation? When we start our day, do we call upon our Guardian ANGEL? When we enter church, do we acknowledge the Guardian ANGEL of our parish? When we pray for our country, do we ask for the intercession of our country's Guardian ANGEL? When we pray for our priest, do we include his 2 Guardian ANGELs?

Holy Guardian Angel, my friend and companion , my elder brother and teacher, keep my mind and heart always open to your words and guidance. You see better than I how much good there is to be done. Open my eyes to the needs of those around me. Open my ears to their unspoken prayers and soundless cries. Open my heart so that I may be brave and unashamed in loving my neighbor with the very love of Jesus. Do not let me hold back in doing even a little good for others. Like the widow in the Temple who gave all she possessed, though it was only a penny, inspire me to do even the smallest things with great love, for anyone whom I can help. Amen.

St. Bartholomew, pray for us.


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