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focused toward others

Is 11:1-10 "...The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: -a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, -a Spirit of counsel and of strength, -a Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the LORD and his delight shall be the fear of the LORD."

This reading does not speak of a spirit of feelings, a spirit of emotions, or a spirit of opinions.

If we say we are Christian, then we desire to follow the example of CHRIST. We pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us. We look to the Holy Spirit for wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, and fear of the Lord.

These are all focused toward others, not ourselves.

wisdom: prudence, common sense, good judgement

understanding: thoughtful, tolerant, patient, merciful

counsel: guidance, direction

strength: power to resist, logical

knowledge: awareness, comprehension

fear of the Lord: You are God, i am not

Come Holy Spirit, lead us.

St. John Damascene, pray for us.


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