Dt 31:1-8 "Be brave and steadfast; HAVE NO FEAR or dread of them, for it is the LORD-, your GOD, who marches with you; HE will never fail you or forsake you.”
Whether it is our own personal struggles, or the state of the world, or the condition of the church - HAVE NO FEAR. Be Brave - heroic Be Steadfast - unwavering Have no Dread - no worry
Know that you do not have to Face this Alone. Your GOD, marches WITH YOU
Know you do not have to Do It on your own. HE will NEVER fail you or FORSAKE YOU.
How do we TRUST HIM? - - - KNOW HIM! PRAYER, ADORATION and CONFESSION Visit with HIM every day, in prayer Sit with HIM in Adoration Turn everything over to HIM, in confession Then you will KNOW HIM. Then you will TRUST HIM.
KNOW that HE marches with you TRUST that HE will never fail you
St. Pontian and St. Hippolytus, pray for us.