Jesus Christ is risen, ALLELUIA
Jn 16:16-20
Jesus said to His disciples: “A little while and you will no longer see Me, and again a little while later and you will see Me.”
It seems that Jesus, who IS, WAS and IS TO COME ( Rev 1:8 ), does not measure time as we mere creatures. We consider a lifetime to be a long time. Yet my father, who had a long life, did not SEE the Second Coming of Christ.
“A LITTLE WHILE and you will no longer see Me, and again a LITTLE WHILE later and you will see Me."
When we pray, and do not immediately SEE an answer, we often think God is not listening.
“A LITTLE WHILE and you will no longer see Me, and again a LITTLE WHILE later and you will see Me."
In the grand scheme of eternity, our mortal life is but a blip, a LITTLE WHILE. So, in a LITTLE WHILE, based on eternity, we will SEE Him. Let us live each day as if this is the Glorious Day that we will SEE HIM. PRAY REPENT BE JOYOUS
As we approach Pentecost, let us meditate on St. Cyprian's prayer to the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Spirit, be present, and from heaven shed down Your consolation on those that expect you; sanctify the temple of my body, and consecrate it as a dwelling place for Yourself. Make the souls that desire You joyful with Your presence. Make the house fit for You, the Inhabitant: adorn Your chamber and surround the place of Your rest with all virtues; expel whatever is unholy and the spring of corruption; and make this joy permanent and lasting: continuing the renewal of Your creature forever in unfading beauty. Amen.