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Mt 7:6, 12-14 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.”

Enter through the NARROW GATE is not a Feel Good Philosophy. Jesus tells us that there is but ONE NARROW WAY to eternity, and "those who find it are few.” In today's world, Catholics are often called NARROW MINDED, and that is not a bad thing. We ARE NARROW MINDED. Not narrow minded, as the world misuses that term, but NARROW MINDED in that we strive to live the ONE TRUTH. NARROW MINDED in that we live to obey ONLY GOD. Some have said that to be Open Minded just lets your brain fall out. We are blessed with the Wisdom, Knowledge and Teaching authority of God, through His Church. HIS NARROW WAY is the path to holiness and to peace. We, mere humans, we fallen creatures, cannot redefine THE TRUTH. We are also not simple sheep, who follow the crowd. We FOLLOW JESUS, and His road is "constricted". It does not " lead to destruction", it " leads to life".

Today, let us embrace being NARROW MINDED, and let us pray that God will help us to enter through the NARROW GATE.

Lord Jesus Christ, your Heart still cherishes all the redeemed and is moved to pity for every human need. Aware of your invitation, "Come to Me," we pray for the afflicted, the sick, the confused, for all broken hearts, and shattered lives. We bring to you all their material, emotional, and spiritual needs as well as our own. By the love that led you to take flesh of the Virgin Mary, we pray that you might enfold us all in your merciful love heal our wounds and grant us what accords with your holy will. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Mercy on us.


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