Ps 62 Only in God be at rest, my soul, for from HIM comes my hope. HE only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be disturbed.
Trust in HIM at all times, O my people! Pour out your hearts before HIM; God is our refuge!
After all of this time, I am still shocked that I get surprised when GOD speaks the exact words I need to hear. I continue in awe as HIS words, HIS scripture for the day, is written precisely for me.
Worry accomplishes NOTHING. - Only in God be at rest, my soul. Prayer- ABSOLUTELY, Concern - NEVER. - for from HIM comes my hope. My human efforts change NOTHING - HE only is my rock and my salvation My obedience - ABSOLUTELY, fear - NEVER - my stronghold; I shall not be disturbed.
Trust in HIM at all times, O my people! Pour out your hearts before HIM; God is our refuge!
St. Peter Claver, pray for us.