In Lk 20:27-40, we read how our relationships, including, for many of us, our most loving relationship with our spouse, will be perfected in Heaven.
I am reminded of a precious conversation I had with a friend. He was one to always try to catch you with a joke, so at first I did not realize he was serious. After mass, he came up to me and stated that he would not see me in Heaven. (Right, where's the punch line, was my thought. But his face was unusually serious). Again he told me he wouldn't see me in Heaven. " I cannot go to Heaven because I cannot love God more than my wife." As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I pondered his words. His deep, serious words.
I remember my reaction to St. Luke's reading, after being married, "...Jesus said to them, 'The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage."
My gut wrenched and I thought, "Now wait a minute, we will not be married in Heaven? How can that be?"
I don't remember if Father even preached on this reading that Sunday. After brooding for a bit, I finally allowed Jesus's next words to soothe my heart. "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise."
We (I pray this includes me) will be perfected. Our best day on earth does not compare to Heaven. Our most precious relationship is but a foretaste, a tiny glimpse, of what awaits us.
I am reminded of the children's song, " Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and praise, I long to see my Savior's face 'cause Heaven is a wonderful place."
... a foretaste, a tiny glimpse, of what awaits us.
St. Andrew Dung Lac and Companions, pray for us