For today's first reading, the Brievary simply said: No one who remains in Him sins.
This does not state all that is said in 1Jn2:29-3:6, but it definitely says it all.
"No one who remains in Him sins."
For us, it is truly that simple.
We are called : Children of God, Beloved , Begotten by him- and yet if we sin we cannot remain in Him.
As we keep our eyes focused on Him, as we meditate on scripture to hear His voice, may we always pray for the strength to avoid sin.
The TRUTH is that "Everyone who commits sin commits lawlessness, for sin is lawlessness."
We must Run to Confession, Drop to our knees, and Know "that He was revealed to take away sins". "Everyone who has this hope based on Him makes himself pure, as He is pure."
The Most Holy Name of Jesus, pray for us