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SEE 3 ways

Ex 14:21-15:1 -Moses STRETCHED OUT his HAND over the sea, and the LORD swept the sea with a strong east wind throughout the night, and so turned it into dry land.

-Then the LORD told Moses, “STRETCH OUT your HAND over the sea, that the water may flow back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and their charioteers.”

-So Moses STRETCHED OUT his HAND over the sea, and at dawn the sea flowed back to its normal depth.

GOD DOES NOT NEED OUR HELP. HE IS all things and HE DOES all things. HE does all things for us. HE allowed Moses to help, and He allowed the Jewish people to see HIM work. He could have destroyed the army before it was in the sight of the Israelites. They still would have been safe, but HE wanted them to see, so they would know HE loved them. HE wants us to see, so we know HE loves us. Do we see? Do we notice the blessings in our lives? Do we see HIM loving us?

Today, let us SEE 3 ways God has loved us, and let us thank Him before we go to sleep. Tomorrow, let us SEE 3 ways God has loved us, and let us thank Him before we go to sleep. Thursday, let us SEE 3 ways God has loved us, and let us thank Him before we go to sleep. Friday, let us SEE 3 ways God has loved us, and let us thank Him before we go to sleep. Saturday, let us SEE 3 ways God has loved us, and let us thank Him before we go to sleep.

AND then, by Sunday, let us hope this has become a regular part of our prayer life, and we can bring this Thanksgiving with us to mass.

St. Bridget, pray for us.


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