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Silence and Prayer

Let us pray for the One Holy Catholic Church.

Mk 9:2-13

Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And He was transfigured before them, and His clothes became dazzling white,

Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus.

Son of Man must suffer greatly and be treated with contempt

Sometimes, we know we are going to face a difficult situation. Let us follow the example of Jesus.

He Led them Apart, by Themselves - Silence

they were Conversing with Jesus - Prayer

These are the only preparation/tools/weapons we need.

When we have faith, and place our trust in God, we will succeed. We may not succeed as the world sees success - Jesus came down from the mountain and headed to Calvary. But we will succeed as God sees success - He rose from the dead to everlasting life.

Jesus conversed with Elijah and Moses. We are encouraged, in a special way today, to converse with St. Polycarp. Jesus and the Saints have walked the same Earth, they faced difficult situations, and their example can fortify us. Silence and Prayer

St. Polycarp, pray for us


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