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their hearts were hardened

Mk 6:45-52

There are miracles all around us , yet we persist in being like the apostles, after witnessing the five thousand being fed: "They had not understood the incident of the loaves. On the contrary, their hearts were hardened."

I once heard a homily that took Jesus out of the gospel of the loaves and fishes. We heard that the real miracle was that the people had shared what they had brought with them, and that's how everyone was fed. "They had not understood the incident of the loaves. On the contrary, their hearts were hardened."

There are miracles everywhere. God is everywhere. We simply need to not allow our hearts to be hardened, then we will understand.

How do we do this? How do we remain malleable, docile, soft hearted?

We follow the example of Jesus, "He went off to the mountain to pray."

Pray. Ask God for a soft heart. Ask Him to allow you to see the miracles in front of you today. Call upon the Holy Spirit, to guide you, and spend time with His word. His holy scriptures will soften your hardened heart, and open your eyes, so you will understand - and see His miracles.



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