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Novena to Divine Mercy: Today bring to Me souls who have become lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy.

Mk 16:9-15 When Jesus had risen, early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had driven seven demons. She went and told His companions who were mourning and weeping. When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.

After this He appeared in another form to two of them walking along on their way to the country. They returned and told the others; but they did not believe them either.

But later, as the Eleven were at table, He appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw Him after He had been raised.

He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

- When they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, THEY DID NOT BELIEVE.

- They returned and told the others; but THEY DID NOT BELIEVE them either.

The definition of BELIEVE- accept as true; feel sure of the truth

We have the FULL TRUTH, beginning in Genesis and leading us to Revelation. The FULL TRUTH in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The FULL TRUTH in tradition and doctrine. And when we cultivate a life of prayer and meditation, in union with the Sacraments, we can read, hear, and know the FULL TRUTH.

Today let us pray, as the man in Mark 9:24, “I do believe, help my unbelief." Then let us follow the COMMAND of Jesus, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.”

Jesus Christ is risen, ALLELUIA


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