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Ex 20:1-17 For I, the LORD, Your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers’ wickedness on the children of those who hate Me, down to the THIRD and FOURTH GENERATION; but bestowing mercy down to the THOUSANDTH GENERATION, on the children of those who love Me and keep My commandments.

Punishment down to the THIRD and FOURTH GENERATION Mercy down to the THOUSANDTH GENERATION. Our sin has an effect on our children and those around us. Our sin seeps in and contaminates their soul - the beliefs we share, the conversations we have, the music we listen to, the programs we watch, all have an effect on those around us. So that sin must be purged down to the THIRD and FOURTH GENERATION.

God's Mercy is down to the THOUSANDTH GENERATION. Our obedience blesses our children and those around us - the beliefs we share, the conversations we have, the music we listen to, the programs we watch, all have an effect on those around us. Our prayer life, reverence and obedience bless those around us down to the THOUSANDTH GENERATION.

God desires to be merciful. He will punish, because He loves us. Will we allow HIS Mercy to be passed down to the THOUSANDTH GENERATION? The choice is ours.

St. Joaschim and St. Anne, pray for us.


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