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THREE nice things to say about our Priest

Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Nm 11:4b-15 “Why are You so displeased with me that You burden me with all this people? I cannot carry all these people by myself.

Mt 14:13-21 When Jesus heard of the death of John the Baptist, He withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by Himself. The crowds heard of this and followed Him on foot from their towns.

How often are we like this to our Priests? We find many things about which to complain. Everything - there is no limit to our opinion and our complaints. "Why are You so displeased with me that You burden me with all this people?"

We also REQUIRE our priests to be available at all times. Yes, absolutely, they desire to walk with us through our difficult times. They also MUST HAVE a day off. A day away, to refresh their soul. "He withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by Himself. The crowds heard of this and FOLLOWED HIM."

With our children, for each complaint, they were to come up with THREE nice things to say. Today, let us meditate on THREE nice things to say about our Priest. Then, let us offer a prayer for him.

Blessed Mother, pray for us. Pray for our Priests.


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